- Level Sensors (oil & fuel)
- Level sensors
- Ultrasonic cleaning
- Ultrasonic welding
- Ultrasonic material processing
- Non-destructive material testing
- Echo sounders & fish finders
- Surgical knives
- Lithotripters
- Plaque removal
- Ultrasonic scalpels
- Ultrasonic nebulizers
- Ultrasonic diagnostics and therapy
- Sonar technology & hydroacoustics
- Underwater object recognition

Materials for power transducers
SONOX® P4, SONOX® P8, PZT401, PZT807
These materials withstand both high electrical driving voltages and intense mechanical (pressure) loads and are characterized by:
- Low dielectric loss
- Permittivity in between 900 and 1400
- High mechanical quality factor in between 500 and 2000
- High Curie temperature
- High coercive field strength
Materials of this type are specifically well suited for high-performance ultrasonic applications in the range from 20 kHz to several MHz.