Lead-free Piezoceramic Solutions
Become part of the more sustainable world of lead-free piezoceramics: Our lead-free ceramic components based on BNT-BT can be produced in various shapes and geometries - depending on your requirements, e.g. as sensor or transducer for flow meter or medical applications. We create added value for manufacturers of industrial and medical products with highly customised solutions that meet their requirements.
Due to specific material properties, lead-free piezoceramics can be a viable alternative to lead containing materials for a variety of applications using thickness mode.
CeramTec combines unique material development capabilities with decades of experience in the manufacture of piezoelectric ceramic components and offers to be a reliable development partner for lead-free piezoceramic solutions for demanding industrial and medical applications.
Why Lead-free Piezoceramics?
- Non-toxic raw materials with significantly reduced environmental footprint
- Envirometally friendly and safe water-based manufacturing process without alcohol-based solvents
- Large geometry variation
- High material quality
- Stable piezoelectric properties
- Increased anisotropy (lower planar coupling)
- Significantly lower friction losses and essential self-heating reduction