Ceramic Components for Household and Sanitary Applications
Customized ceramic components for household and sanitary applications are designed for demanding daily use and support consistent performance and a long service life.
Whether bearings, seals, discs or sliding rings for household and electrical appliances or ceramic sealing and control discs in sanitary fittings that minimize the unnecessary waste of fresh water - you can rely on CeramTec's ceramic solutions.
Versatile in Use
Conveying | Pumping | Regulating | Control | Measuring | Grinding | Shutting off | Sealing | Compacting | Insulating | Mixing
All these applications have one thing in common - components in these environments are subject to high stress as well as tribological effects, which can significantly impact the service life of devices and systems. Depending on the extent of undesirable consequences of friction and wear such as changes in geometry, wear particles, heat, vibration or noise can lead to progressive deterioration of system properties, even to complete system failure.
Where other materials cannot cope with the specific applications demands, high-performance ceramic solutions from CeramTec can open up essential advantages.
Reduce Tribological Effects
The desire for ecological and economic optimization of tribological systems has been a major driver of the development of special tribological materials. In this context, ceramics habe established as an innovative material with excellent specific properties such as hardness, toughness, chemical or temperature resistance. Due to these properties caramic solutions can make a significant contribution to reducing tribological effects, depending on the application.
Based on optimum selection and material setup as well as unique component desgign capability, we can offer the development and manufacturing of customized ceramic solutions for a large variety of household and sanitary applications.